Premature Ejaculation - What Exactly Is It?

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Sunday, 2 January 2011
Premature Ejaculation Explained
Premature ejaculation is a sex related condition where the man ejaculates too soon during sexual intercourse. Usually, this condition affects young men because of their stress and anxiety during the sexual act. They want to experience new things and this makes them vulnerable to premature ejaculation. Also, young men with less sexual experience may encounter this problem because they are scared that they can't satisfy a woman.

For example, the time factor is not agreed by all scientists and doctors but usually this time is shorter than 2 minutes.

Usually when both partners are dissatisfied with the ejaculation time and this causes problems, it is premature ejaculation. This condition is a very often encountered one. However, if the condition persists several times, you should make sure that you seek treatment or even consult a specialist.

Usually, if the man familiarizes with his sexual partner, thing like this are impossible to happen again. As I said before, a lot of people suffer from premature ejaculation at least once in their lives. If you want to know exactly if you suffer from this condition, the only way to do that is through observing your sexual results and performances for at least one month. If the results are not satisfactory for you or your sexual partner, you suffer from this condition.

However, if this is the case you should not worry because there are a lot of remedies and treatments available these days so you can rest assured that you will not remain with the problem forever. Also, in many cases the condition is temporary and things will go back to normal after a while.

Young men are prone to suffer from this condition due to stress and anxiety levels. Please visit for unbiased reviews of premature ejaculation control products, including the Ejaculation Master review.

Posted by mohammadgraham05 at 11:58 PM EST
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